Saved by a team of true superheroes
Meet Buddy, our newest member of the family...and what a 72 hours it has been! Mum Hattie delivered him in the wee small hours of Monday morning. He’s premature by 3 weeks and was a tiny 4.2 kilos. He was flat, unable to sit or stand and in serious trouble.
Emergency vet contacted and plasma sourced from Velvet Hall Alpacas. Chris, our vet at Galedin, headed over to Beirhope. Buddy was so poorly he was taken immediately to the surgery in Kelso where the team performed the first of many many miracles. It was red hot on Monday, the heat clearly an influencer in his early arrival.
I’ve never watched such dedication and determination as I saw on Monday by the team at Galedin. Small animal and farm vets & nurses all working on Buddy. The vets managed to get the plasma transfusion completed and fluids into Buddy and the wee fella was keen to drink some milk. There’s the next miracle. One call to our fab farm rep Matt from Murray Farm Care saw him driving across Scotland to pick up powdered colostrum. I’m still so incredibly grateful that he did this. To our very own superstar Magi who drove the length and breadth of the Borders for plasma, then to pick me up after Chris took us to the surgery with a very poorly Buddy on my knee.
Buddy was transferred to Gala practice where Pete, the ‘alpaca vet’ as we all call him, happened to be on shift. Buddy has received the most amazing care from everyone at Galedin Vets Gala and Kelso surgeries, along with Matt from Murray’s and Stuart & Jean at Velvet Hall Alpacas and our very own Magi - you are all superheroes. We simply can’t thank you all enough; Buddy just wouldn’t have made it this far without you.
He has a long road ahead but is making progress. Chris continued to be involved both with Buddy and his mum Hattie. In Tuesday's blistering heat, Chris and Charlotte were here checking on mum and tending to her. Honestly can’t thank everyone enough. It was a tough situation anyway made much worse by the blistering heat. This didn’t stop anyone going above and beyond to ensure the wellbeing of Hattie and her baby Buddy.
So it’s over to team Beirhope to care for Buddy and mum Hattie now. Buddy is getting stronger, he can sit up independently and hopefully will be standing soon too. Right now we feed him every 2 hours (day & night) and hope that bond between mum & cria continues and she takes over entirely. If not we’ve got this, between us all we will feed Buddy and we’re sure the other alpacas will make greet nannies.
Keep following us for Buddy updates - think you’ll all agree he is just a wee cutie.